
The Detox Diaries – Week 2

On Monday July 14th I commenced a six week specialised gut detox. Week 1 wasn’t without its challenges, but as the days passed I’m feeling better, sleeping deeper and training harder. Week 2 and the positives continue…

What I’m eating
I’m most consistent with my nutrition, but I have had to make a few adjustments over the last two weeks. I’m loving soups and Paleo Burgers, I’m still obsessing over fritters, and have created a new favourite post training smoothie of coconut cream, avocado, banana, raspberries, cinnamon and pea protein. Divine.

How I’m feeling

I started the detox to address my unexplained tiredness and the deeper causes of my emotional and physical state. In general, the fatigue is lifting. I’m napping less, making it to 9.30pm easier, and being much more productive in my business. I’m nowhere close to where I want to be, but the exciting thing is that the next four weeks (weeks 3-6) are about a much a deeper level of detoxification. I can’t wait.

How I’m sleeping

In my twenties, I used to have a “sleep when you’re dead” mentality. I’d go out all night and still be at the gym early on a Sunday morning. Now, I cherish my sleep and really can’t get enough of it. But between training for a half Ironman and running The Natural Nutritionist, I need quality, not quantity. Already I’m waking less throughout the night, feeling more refreshed, and I even woke up before my 5.15am alarm last week – all very good signs!

How I’m training

Volume wise, I’m now at about 12-14 hours per week, and with six weeks until Sunshine Coast 70.3, recovery is more crucial than ever. I’m hitting PBs in the pool and riding well, but I have a long term injury that’s holding my running back. That’s a very long story, but detoxing can only help accelerate the healing process and my ultimate race day performance. Stay tuned…
Fatigue and injury, as well as recurrent illness or allergies, unexplained weight gain, and weight loss plateaus are just some of the reasons why your gut health needs to be addressed at a deeper level. Are you ready to detox? Book your Initial Consultation with me here to find out more. 

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