
Heal Your Gut – Ebook Review

You learned all about your gut health in Gut Health 101. We’ve discussed why yoghurt isn’t enough for your gut health here, and why you shouldn’t be afraid of bone broth here. Your next step in optimal gut function is to grab yourself a copy of Heal Your Gut by Lee Holmes from Supercharged Food.

Here’s why:

  • Lee is a Certified Holistic Health Coach (Institute of Integrative Nutrition) and specialises in digestive health and autoimmune conditions.
  • Lee has successfully used food as medicine to overcome an autoimmune disease and fibromyalgia using a healing gut protocol and nutrient rich wholefoods.
  • Lee runs, a go-to website which helps people to empower themselves with the latest health information, news, products and videos.
  • In 2013 Supercharged Food won the title of Health Influencer Blog of the Year.

In other words, Lee knows her stuff.

There is so much I love about Heal Your Gut. Lee teaches us exactly how modern medicine has gone wrong with its focus on treatment rather that finding the cause of the health problem. We are reminded of the importance of our gut flora and intestinal integrity, and just how the modern diet, antibiotics, tap water which contains chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine, and many other environmental toxins can kill off your good gut bacteria, disrupt your digestive lining and lead to a multitude of health problems. Did you know that disregulated gut flora is linked to the development of a range of illnesses from autism and depression, to autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto’s, inflammatory bowel disease and type 1 diabetes? Scary stuff. But the good news is that it is preventable, treatable, and the power is in your hands.

Heal Your Gut takes you through a four phase healing protocol to both restore your gut flora balance and heal your intestinal lining. You will learn the amazing power of nature with natural antibiotics and antimicrobials, herbs, supplements and your everyday checklist of essential real foods. Lee provides a personal meal planner to help you get started on your gut health journey and Heal Your Gut contains 50 anti-inflammatory recipes all designed to heal and nourish.

This ebook has been brilliantly designed. There are links to find out more information about the ingredient or product specified, print icons to print a hard copy of the personal planner, shopping list and health history form, and a shopping cart icon to purchase all your gut healing essentials!

I highly recommend Heal Your Gut for everyone. Remember, all disease starts in the gut, and so to does all health.

Health your Gut costs just $18.00 and is available here.

Post update October 19th:

**G I V E A W A Y**

The lovely Lee from Supercharged Food is now giving away five copies of Heal Your Gut!

To enter, all you need to do is state in 25 words or less why you deserve to win. Please post your answer below!

The winners will be announced next Sunday, October 26th. Best of luck x



  1. Anna Alvsdotter

    My lovely handicapped son was almost free of his Aspergers as I detoxed him after sudden epilepsy . Now seizure free, his diet makes him sick again.

  2. Aenea Ross

    I Started by Supercharging my families foods and now I’m Eating Myself Beautiful, thanks to Lee! Would love to learn how to Heal my gut!

  3. Helen Parkinson

    I’d like to own the super ebook,
    As to be able to be a superfood cook.
    My tummy does not like the fun gluten,
    So this will help my gut absorb the right nutrients.

  4. Alicia mcdonnell

    I deserve to win because my leaky gut and related health issues are making meal times a mine-field and i need to learn how to heal myself with food.

  5. Kerry

    Having recently been diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis I am battling with inflammation and chronic fatigue. My sister passed away with the same disease so I would love to try heal my symptoms through diet.

  6. pip shepherd

    Eczema has been a loyal foe since a babe and now nipple, lip and labia cracks have come to party…heal my gut? Please? X

  7. Bronwen Stewart

    i just need help. I am bloated, cranky, sad and just had enough. Need a no nonsense approach to health and food!

  8. Jennifer

    I’m sluggish, sore and even been diagnosed ADHD! Need some gut healing but don’t know how to start – plus hubby can’t stand my farts anymore.

  9. Caitlan Thomas

    Suffering from gluten and dairy intolerances, bloating, fatigue and constant dark circles around my eyes, the Heal Your Gut ebook sounds like the perfect remedy!!

  10. Krissy Gailey

    Hi Steph

    Would you give lovely Lee’s book to our family please? We would love the opportunity to re-jig our health as a team. Mum (me) at aged 43 has skin that is always spotty and a stomach that changes shape depending on what I’ve eaten. My girls have entered adolescence & experiencing the same problems. Help me help them!!

    Many thanks

  11. Pauli

    I’d love to heal my gut to be able to enjoy nourishing foods such as garlic which currently irritates it.

  12. Miranda

    Having suffered from two intestinal parasites and Coeliac disease, my gut wall is in dire need of some of Lee Holme’s healing power!

  13. Erin

    I would love to win a copy of Heal Your Gut as I have a plethora of digestive issues that I am in the early stages of diagnosing (under the watchful eye of my awesome nutritionist!) that have caused me years of pain, inflammation and fluid retention and being the sort of person who wants to know the whys and the whats etc i think i would find this book super helpful and informative! x

  14. Trish Beukers

    I am 40 years old and have just had weightloss surgery and am learning about nutrician to pass my newfound knowledge on to my children.

  15. Jillian Currie

    I have IBS and I am currently on a low Fodmap diet and this would really help me in healing my gut.

  16. Desiree

    My husband has developed terrible deep ongoing burping. I try natural remedies to keep him off drugs from the doctor but I need more help.

  17. Sonia

    I would love to heal my gut (with more than the sauerkraut that I’ve started with) and stop my recurrent fungal infections and excema.

  18. kirsty

    Having seen every specialist I could since gut issues after being in a fire 25 years ago, it would be fantastic to be able to help myself with this tool.

  19. Julia

    i spend way too much time on the toilet and need to be out doing fun stuff instead! that’s why I’d love to win this book!

  20. Steph

    Hi team, the competition has now closed and the winners have been notified by email. Please check your email account as you may be missing out on your prize!

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