About TNN


Welcome to The Natural Nutritionist, it’s so great to have you here.

With a passion for spreading a positive message about real food and the incredible affect it has on health, fertility and performance, Steph launched The Natural Nutritionist in 2011 and is on a mission to inspire others to make health a priority in their lives. 

All of our recipes contain minimal ingredients, and if we can make them, so can you! We don’t have any formal kitchen qualifications, just a love of quality and delicious food. We truly believe that if you make your health a priority, you will find the time to prepare healthy food for yourself and your loved ones.



Meet Steph


Hi there, I’m Steph. I’m a mother, Nutritionist and founder of The Natural Nutritionist, now living in Launceston, Tasmania with my husband Ian and our gorgeous daughters, Grace and Rose. And I’m on a mission to inspire others to make health a priority in their lives.

I have been practising as a Nutritionist since 2011 and have seen thousands of lives changed around the globe, from adopting this way of life. We only need to look around our own neighbourhood to realise that chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer are reaching epidemic proportions, and to the science that proves how much our modern-day dietary guidelines are to blame. I am honoured to have you join us here, to not only present you with the research but teach you the healing power of real food.

Whether you are looking to further your clinical knowledge and/or wanting to deepen your own health journey, remember this: real food comes out of the ground, off a tree, or from an animal.

A little more about me:

  • I have an undergraduate degree in Sport and Exercise Science and a post graduate degree in Human Nutrition.
  • I’m a member of the Complementary Medicine Association (CMA).
  • I spend most of my clinic days working in the areas of women’s health that are typically poorly understood and too often mismanaged by conventional approaches – low iron, low thyroid, autoimmunity, perimenopause and subfertility are my deepest callings. 
  • I am a true women’s health advocate and strongly believe our greatest assets are to understand our body, to use our symptoms to guide inquiry and to gain the knowledge and support required to create true health, not just the absence of disease;
  • I am also extremely passionate about preconception, pregnancy and postpartum nutrition and believe that by building healthy mothers, microbiomes and metabolisms, not only will we thrive, but so too will the next generation, our children.
  • Along with running The Natural Nutritionist, I host the podcast, Health, Happiness & Human Kind, and am a passionate mentor to many newly graduated Nutritionists and Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches. You can learn more here.
  • I have been gluten free for over decade now, and literally because it makes me happy. I eat refined sugar only a handful of times a year, yet I don’t go a day without cacao. I have very intentionally chosen this way of eating and I certainly don’t feel like I’m missing a thing. 

Meet Steph P


Hi! I’m Steph. I’m a mum, Naturopath, Nutritionist, and lover of good food. I live in Auckland, New Zealand with my partner and two little ones, Stanley and Alba.

My mission is to educate and guide my clients on how to eat well for their bodies. Exercise, mindfulness, and lifestyle are all very important. Our work together will include advice using all three.

A little more about me:

  • I am a passionate Naturopath and Nutritionist committed to finding long-term results for my clients. Qualified with a Bachelor of Naturopathy, nutrition, and herbal medicine and over 10 years of clinical experience.
  • I am passionate about all things women’s health: infertility, miscarriage prevention, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), PMS, Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA), pregnancy and postpartum care. I also have a huge interest in gut and brain health. I am passionate about helping women find the underlying cause of their health complaints. I use real food, achievable lifestyle advice, supplementation, pathology, and functional testing. You as my client will walk away with an individualized personal plan – a plan for you to feel and be the best version of yourself.
  • Throughout my 20s I had my own health journey – weight issues, restricted eating, over-excising, Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, IBS, Colitis, and laparoscopy surgery for endometriosis.
  • My favourite foods are avocado with salt and lemon, dark sea salt chocolate, bananas, peanut butter and homemade potato chips. I have been gluten-free for 7 years and feel so much better for it.
  • You will also find me enjoying a coffee at home and sipping on a glass of red with my partner at the weekends. Life is all about balance and those ‘ah’ moments.



Hey I’m Rach, clinic manager and nutritionist at TNN. It’s lovely to meet you.

It is my ultimate dream to empower and educate you to understand your own body, to feel like the best version of yourself. Always treating you with kindness, compassion, warmth and authenticity, meeting you where you are. I also truly believe when you can empower people to make change within themselves, it will have a ripple effect on those around them. We want to empower you to be the change that someone you love needs to see, to know that it is possible.

One of my favourite sayings is “you only know what you know”, and I wish I knew earlier about the incredible benefits that can be found from simply eating real food, making lifestyle changes and personalised supplementation when needed.

If you are looking for help with all things relating to your period, low iron, fatigue, stress, anxiety, skin struggles such as acne, or gut health, please book in a complimentary consultation with me and we can get started on a plan for you to feel like the best version of you.

A little more about me:

  • I love traveling, recently living in Mexico with my partner.
  • My favourite foods are tacos, chocolate, Gojé (IYKYK) and broccoli with sea salt.
  • I love dancing with friends to good music, but not after 10pm – sleep is just way to important to me.