
Introducing Understanding Basic Bloods, the Masterclass!

I’m so excited to share with you my latest masterclass, “Understanding Basic Bloods – Your Roadmap to Getting the Most Out of Your Next Blood Test’.

After decades becoming a renewed expert in functional pathology interpretation, I want you too to learn: 

  • Blood sugar mastery: are you eating an appropriate amount of dietary carbohydrates and optimising your metabolic health, or could you accidentally be on the road to pre-diabetes? 
  • Controlling your kidneys: are you eating enough dietary protein and taking control of your body composition and strength training outcomes? 
  • Examining electrolytes: there is so much that just four simple (and extremely routine) blood tests can tell you, and did you know that your sodium levels have absolutely nothing to do with how much or how little you are salting your food?
  • Bone density biomarkers: learn how to ensure you are promoting optimal bone health decades before you may even consider a bone mineral density scan;
  • Identifying inflammation: it’s far more than just CRP, and considering the far reaching impacts of inflammation, this is the key to your short, medium and long-term health; 
  • And so much more. 

As a subscriber here at TNN, you have first access to early bird pricing before this masterclass is released to my social media community later this week.

You can resolve your symptoms with a root cause approach.

You can avoid pharmaceutical band-aids and in many causes, identify trends before you get to the point of a diagnosis.

You can continue to make your health and longevity priority #1.

I hope you will join me.

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