We’ve been discussing at the length how to navigate low iron and I’m so excited to share with you my masterclass ‘Understanding Low Iron – Root Cause, Pregnancy & the Iron-Thyroid...
Category: Articles
We’ve been discussing at the length how to navigate low iron and many of you have asked how this might apply to children.There are hundreds of studies that acknowledge the...
ptimal thyroid status is dependent on the presence of many raw materials – not just iron, but iodine, selenium and zinc as well as the hormone known as vitamin D...
Low Milk Supply - Is Domperidone the Answer?When I first went on my pregnancy and beyond journey there were definitely some natural nerves I encountered about what my breastfeeding journey...
One of my favourite ways to increase iron levels either with or without an iron supplement (a decision which should be pathology dependant) is the probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum 299v (LP299v).
We’ve been discussing low iron and the problems Maltofer and Ferro-grad C. Here are my top recommendations for how to improve your iron levels which avoiding these two commonly recommended,...
No one should be prescribing Maltofer or Ferro-grad C at 100mg (1 tablet)/day. And most certainly, no one should be prescribing 200mg or 300mg/day when the initial dose fails to...
All too often I work with pregnant women who have been ill-informed when it comes to their iron levels – whether that be from the incorrect prescription of Maltofer/Ferrograd-C, right...
Unfortunately the use of the COCP has become normalised and rationalised. The good news is that I’m starting to see the tides shifting. I see women looking for alternatives. If...