
Vanillaberry Crunch

In case you hadn’t already noticed, I’m a big fan of smoothies. Post-exercise, they are the perfect refuel.

Firstly, you can create a complete meal in seconds which ensures you get the nutrients in when you need them most. This is particularly important after your fasted training and/or more intense sessions of the week. Secondly, your body can tolerate a liquid meal far greater than solids in the post-exercise window. With liquids, nutrient absorption is enhanced and immediately your recovery is accelerated. Your next meal can then take place when you have had time to stretch and shower, and importantly, when your body has returned to its optimal digestive state.


  • 1 cup water
  • ¼ cup Pure Harvest CocoQuench or Super Easy Coconut Milk
  • 1 teaspoon psyllium husks
  • 1 banana
  • 1 handful raspberries
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon cacao nibs
  • 1 tray of ice
  • 1 scoop Bare Blends organic vanilla bean native WPI


  1. Add the liquids and psyllium to the blender and sit for 15 minutes for the psyllium to go to work.
  2. Add banana, berries, cinnamon, cacao nibs and ice and blend until smooth.
  3. Add protein powder and blend again.
  4. Top with extra berries and cacao nibs and enjoy!

As a side note, I think the crunch in this smoothie is important as it helps you to treat it like the meal that it is. If you find you drink your smoothies too quickly, why not use a bowl and a spoon!

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