
Top Tips on How to Pack a Real Food Lunchbox

With the kids back at school and the working year in full swing, it’s time to prioritise preparing and packing your own lunchbox daily.

Your lunchbox is an opportunity to provide the fuel which you need for optimal nutrients, performance and energy to last the afternoon, as well as helping to avoid the need for a 3pm pick me up, or overeating in the evening. With that in mind, it is just as important that you take the time to pack yourself a nutritious lunchbox as it is for your children.

As adults, we are so busy juggling many commitments that planning a healthy lunchbox is the last thing that we want to do, but with a little bit of organisation, prior planning and preparation it can be as simple as finding 5 minutes during the week to pack your actual lunchbox.

Here are our top tips to packing a healthy lunchbox, helping to not only avoid the vending machine, but support a productive day full of natural energy:

  • Eat Seasonally

Eating seasonally will not only keep your costs down but means that you are also eating a variety of foods. Building your plate as you would any other meal – with an abundance of fresh food and produce, quality protein and good fats, will help with satiety as well has helping you avoid sugar laden foods.

  • Batch Cook & Utilise Leftovers

Set aside time each weekend to plan out your meals including your lunches and snacks, pre-preparing where you can. Batch cooking things like our Sweet Potato Frittata, Chicken Abundance Bowl or No Bake Energy Bars will make the week ahead easier. We often roast a huge batch of vegetables on a Sunday night whilst dinner is cooking and simply pair it with quality protein and good fats each day for a simple, quick and nutritious lunch. Making extra portions of dinner means leftovers for lunch which will also save you both time and money.

  • Invest in Reusable Containers

Invest in reusable containers for your lunch and snacks and include a thermos for hot/cold lunches. These are not only good for the environment, but if you have containers on hand it makes it more likely that you will prepare and take your own lunch. A thermos means that no matter your work situation you won’t need to rely on a microwave or stovetop to heat your Sweet Potato Soup or a fridge to keep your Mixed Berry & Tahini Smoothie cool.

If you are looking for lunchbox inspiration why not join The Kitchen Whizz in their upcoming Nut-Free Lunchbox Class on Tuesday February 13 in Melbourne. Book your tickets here.

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